RECAP: Preliminary Decompositional Event Report part 4

Air sampling summary:
Out of 24 compounds detected in the Florida trunk sample which did not overlap with known or possible gasoline constituents, 16 (67 %) known to be associated with human decompositional events were detected in the odor signature from the Florida trunk carpet sample whose source could not be potentially linked to any of the controls which were analyzed. These included 2-methyl furan, acetic acid methyl ester, butanoic acid methyl ester, carbon disulfide, carbon tetrachloride, chloroethane, chloroform, chloromethane, decanal, dichloroethene, dichloromethane, dimethyl trisulfide, dimethyl disulfide, hexanol, methanethiol and trichloroethene. Of these 16 compounds, seven were significant human decomposition chemicals listed in the database.
Only five of these seven compounds are being used to draw conclusions about the possibility of a decompositional event occurring. Decanal and trichloroethene were dropped from this list because they were only detected in trace amounts.

These five compounds are:
Carbon disulfide appears very early in human decomposition (<100 ADDsa) appears in both aerobic and anaerobic decomposition
Carbon tetrachloride appears very early in human decomposition (<100 ADDs) appears in both aerobic and anaerobic decomposition potentially a human specific marker (not seen in select animal remains)
Chloroform appears very early in human decomposition (<100 ADDs) primarily detected in deprived oxygen (anaerobic) decompositions
Dimethyl trisulfide appears very early in human decomposition (<100 ADDs) appears in both aerobic and anaerobic decomposition
Dimethyl disulfide appears very early in human decomposition (<100 ADDs) appears in both aerobic and anaerobic decomposition a ADD – accumulated degree day (an accumulation of average daily temperatures)
This assumes that all the control samples contributed equally to the odor signature in the trunk (which is unlikely) and does not take into account that numerous compounds in the controls were detected in trace amounts and that some were potentially highly concentrated by the TST collection procedure. [For example, fluorinated compounds were detected in the Forensics Unit Garage, but were not detected in the Florida vehicle trunk sample potentially indicating very little, if any, contribution of the garage air to the trunk signature].

TSTs collected from the Florida trunk were analyzed even though the trunk liner had been removed and the odor would not have been representative of what was originally present at the time of vehicle discovery. Even with the liner removed, sulfur containing compounds such as carbon disulfide, carbon tetrachloride, chloroform and dimethyl disulfide were still detectable in trace amounts. The trunk was the only location where all these types of compounds were detected.

Common fluorinated compounds usually associated with human decomposition were not detected in the Florida trunk sample. It is possible, although this has not been studied, that a 3 year-old child may not have had sufficient time (many years) to ingest enough fluorinated compounds for them to be incorporated into tissue and then to appear in the decompositional breakdown of soft tissue and bone. Additionally, several of the identified compounds are typically associated with anaerobic decomposition. While the actual significance of this not known, it indicates that any type of decompositional event that might have been associated with the odor in the trunk of the car could have occurred under deprived oxygen conditions.

198 thoughts on “RECAP: Preliminary Decompositional Event Report part 4

  1. At least was respectful during his deposition and the only questions he didn’t answer were the oens his attorney interrupted to object to. I got the feeling at the hearing yesterday that the judge had watched the depos and was not happy with G and C. Will they have to testify tomorrow at the hearing to compel? I mean to object to the questions? If the judge finds they have to answer, would they have to do it then and there or go to another hearing? Cause the judge isn’t going to put up with attitude from them.

    I’d love to know who C was smiling at when she came and left the hearing.

  2. Good morning livid and Kim. I was just reviewing some of the last blogs from last night. The link that eastcoastdeb put on about the dog and Lee is a riot. He had no right to remove that sign. At the end, he emptied the dog’s water bowl and walked away with the bowl. That’s stealing. He said that the police have no control in their neighborhood. That’s not entirely true. The woman was on the public part of the sidewalk. He should have called the president of the association to make a determination. I live in a gated community, and if their is a problem we can and do call the police.

  3. Ok quickly before I have to go JOB hunting..Just watched the hearing from yesterday and by looking at George he knows 100% Casey killed Caylee and that this was the ZFG she was talking about and of course the Anthony’s couldnt piont her out because they never met the NANNY… Geez How easily they forget their lies even their attorney representing Casey.

  4. Also ZFG attorney explained that she didnt fill out the apartment card herself they did it for her and thats why her name was spelled wrong~geez open your ears defending counsel.

  5. The judge in the civil suit watched the depos of G&C and they are nailing their own coffin shut. Should they giver another performance like the last one, I sincerely belief they will be in contempt of court.

  6. Loriann,that was the best part of the whole hearing where he explained how and why the name looked like C. Zenaida. Cindy made such a big deal about that at the hearing as if she caught a big snag in the case. As if Zenaida’s name were really Caroline Zenaida or something and her attorney didn’t know it. That may have even been where she winked at Conway. HAHAHA Oh and the Gonzale part. Cindy should have known there’s no such name as Gonzale and it had to have been a mistake. Duh

  7. when I wrote – hi all- that should appear under hmm’s comment, but it did not….why are some post/responses always on top of others??

  8. gm its from janet,i know he did it!

    Off Topic:

    COLUMBIA, Ill. – A southwestern Illinois man was charged Tuesday with strangling his wife and two young children.

    Chris Coleman, 32, was arrested at his parents’ home in Chester, about 40 miles from Columbia, and charged with three counts of first degree murder, said Jeff Connor of the Major Case Squad of Greater St. Louis

  9. GM all ya’ll

    Renee I am trying to load this video-it also shows Caylees doll, fully clothed. I cannot get it to load – can you?

    Forever in our hearts, Caylee Marie Anthony
    3 min 46 sec

  10. If Gonzalez’s wins the lawsuit, how could Anthony — an unemployed single mother who remains in the Orange County Jail — pay any damages?

    Mitnik said he didn’t know.

    However, he pointed out if she struck any movie or book deal in the future, money could begin to flow. If she’s acquitted in her criminal case, they’ll spend “20 years chasing it if there is a verdict,” Mitnik said today

  11. That guy must have killed his family before he went to the gym. Dummy should have just gone home and “found” them himself. But anyone who would do that has no brain and no conscience. Who would think they could get away with that?

  12. renee,chrystal will ahve a new vigil,and when the anthonys come,ron will be there!he will call teh cops on them!

  13. I think it’s great that thousands of citizens banned together to get justice for Caylee.
    If it werent for the blogs I would think I was “reading into things” and only looking at the negative when it comes to this case.
    Wonder how it will all end?

  14. I swear, if at a second deposition George continues to huff and puff, flutter eyes and make funny, ridiculous looking faces, I won’t watch him ever again. There is wrong with that man…his lies are coming out now, too. I think they both knew that the car was at amscot for several days (they drove by and saw it) before it even got towed. Their lies are deeper than we know.

  15. southern, I just watched that heart rendering video of Caylee which you posted. I have book marked it, to remind me how horrid this case is. I think that if Biaz is letting Casey see things on his laptop, this is definitely a video she should see, over and over again.

  16. Mue it is amazing to watch her, so full of love and life – and realize the horror of what happened to her. And to see the putrid pile of puss that is her family. How could they put a pricetag on that smile? How could george not stand up for her in life nor in death? How could Cindy just reduce Caylee to a locket and a money making scam?

  17. Exactly southern. I just rewatched the court hearing from yesterday. I had people talking to me while I tried to watch it yesterday. Boy, the defense lawyer is a real beginner. Doesn’t even know court protocol.

  18. southern, did you notice when C&G walked into court, they were chewing. They just can’t leave it. I wrote to M&M yesterday and suggested that if Cindy shows up not chewing gum, that he offer her a piece of gum to chew. That would set her off.

  19. they have covered up from the VERY beginning..completely and immediately. The question onw is, how much cover-up can be exposed and proven. My personal opinion is that they are in very deep sh….not only bec I want them to be, but they really are!

  20. Once that new complaint is filed, Anthony’s attorney, Jonathan Kasen, said he will refile his motion to have the lawsuit dismissed – or at least delayed until after Anthony’s criminal trial.

    “Now that lethal injection is back on the table we will file a motion to have this case delayed until the resolution of the criminal case,” he said.

  21. you think, Mikka? Maybe, maybe not. He was lying at the depo and his demeanor was not good. But maybe the fear of the law or what could happen to him might set him straight.

  22. mikka, what is up with the docs. This is the longest we have had to wait since LE released them. Probably only stuff that we know, but I would like to see it in official docs.

  23. LP is just chompping at the bit to be turned loose! lol Goooo Cowboy!

    Mue,did you see where it appeared C was giving the finger? i did not see it-but it was rumored.. sounds like something she would sneak in, but I would have to have documentation (pic). I am in and out – lurking lol

  24. it won’t work. No delay ’til after the trail….is just more defense spin. Zenaida has a suit going on NOW and wants things to move forward now, not after the criminal trial. He is spinning the same BS as he did yesterday, and the judge already ruled

  25. in reading lastnights posts, i missed the one aobut SINdy reading the blogs. do we know that, do we have proof? What did I miss

  26. When Cindy left the court room, she does move one of her fingers, but not up high enough where you would think she is shooting the bird

  27. southern, don’t do that to me. Now, I have to go back and watch every nano second of that video. I tried to watch her as much as possible, but I did not notice any finger giving. I did notice her mouth showing a bit beside George’s at the end, and it was clearly a very, very deep frown. :(:

  28. eoar – not only does Cindy read the blogs, she has a team of organized trolls. I know this for a fact as, my real name is on the Caylee memorial page and she is giving me a bit of misery lol

  29. i know about her sidekeicks, I was just wondering if something else happened, that i missed. Wasn’t sure if something came out yesterday

  30. southern, maybe cindy gives george the finger like that regularly, and that’s why geo flipped his lid when the depo lawyer adjusted his glasses with his middle finger.

  31. naaaw eoar, she is best ignored -I was wondering about the finger, because I read it and wanted proof IF it were true. Thanks renee.


  32. they act stupid like that bec they know they have been lying all over the place…..from the very beginning, I tell you.
    This sh……is so bizarre, that you don’t even know what to believe in the beginning, but now that time has gone by and lots of evidence has surfaced, they look more ridiculous every time you see them.
    Whacked, drugged, and stupid.

  33. I don’t think she was flipping the bird. She smiled in that direction when she came in and I think she was giving a wave goodbye. Didn’t feel like smiling again I guess. I wonder who it was. Maybe Geraldo.

  34. can she really have that many “friends” out there, or I guess they just keep changing their names. (as well as their stories)

  35. Eoar here is yesterdays sample of their work lol

    another troll
    John (John Ridesagain) |
    MySpace profile for John Ridesagain. Find friends, share photos, keep in touch with classmates, and meet new people on

  36. Good Morning Everyone,

    They better not wait till after the trial, because the stealing of the checks is going to be after the trial. Baez wants everything to be after the trial and it should be. Zenaida should have peace from all of this.

  37. ZG only wants 15 grand. The fishfinder, er, kidfinder boat probably cost more than that. They are so stoopid to not just pay her to make her go away! Their stupidity and hubris will do them in.

  38. Where did everybody go!!!!!

    I just went to read Moody Monica’s blog. She has a nerve. I almost wrote something but I said I better not. I’d rather write it here. Ron Cummings want the Anthony’s to stay away. I agree with him. Moody said Ron was trailer park trash. I was there, and I’m going to tell you it is a very nice clean trailer park.

  39. Where is D. Casey. What happened with his deposition. Why haven’t we heard or seen him. Why is Cindy still using dgator as her email address when it is d. casey’s company’s. ????????? What is up with Michelle Bart. Is she finished with A’s or still riding on their gravy train?????

  40. sj thanks

    mary,its so heartbreaking!tomorrow is cindy and geo back in court and bozo make a deposition from cma friend!

  41. I am busy with Morgan and Morgan lol making sure they know that C&G lied when they say Casey had described nanny to them for 2 yrs. In july jail tapes Cindy says to Casey ” We haven’t had a chance to talk about what Zanny looks like, can you describe her to me? lol Thupid Cindy If yall have anything I will be happy to see they get it.

  42. southern, when looking at that video, I see that the mickey mouse dress on Caylee is way too big. Wasn’t the one found in the woods near the airport a size 6, and Cindy said that would be too big for Caylee? Does anyone have her credit card records as to when the dress was purchased, or if a mickey mouse dress was purchased once or perhaps a second time at a later date. The one shown on tv with Cindy, looked brand spanking new. Also, where was it said that someone else filled out the card for Zaneida Gonzalez at Sawgrass, and that is why the names are incorrect on the registration cards?

  43. Renee I am spilling my GUT-feelings lol and backing it up with FACTS lol

    Mue the jail video is on a wftv link- I am going to try to find it again when I catch up– Here is what Smoke gave me yesterday but I have not re-linked it yet

    southern justice,
    Here are URL’s you were asking about earlier at 14:16

    C & G Jailhouse visit w/Casey 7/25/08 Part 2of2(p.m.) 7:22 mark Description of ZFG, Sister Samantha, etc.

    C & G Jailhouse visit w/Casey 7/25/08 Part 2of2 (a.m.) 5:45 mark Description of ZFG car

    As you probably know, I had to remove the http….in order to post 2 links. the date are there and they are onWFTV

  44. I cannot get those links to load for me- the dates are posted above- can someone please post the direct link here so I can pick them up- you must post only ONE at a time or you will go to moderation

  45. Hi everyone,

    SJ, I just stopped by for a minute. Here is the information for the 7/25/08 jailhouse video tapes:
    C & G Jailhouse visit w/Casey 7/25/08 Part 2 p.m.
    7:22 mark Description of ZFG, Sister Samantha, etc.
    C & G Jailhouse visit w/Casey 7/25/08 Part 2 a.m.
    5:45 mark Description of ZFG car

    As you probably know, I had to remove the http….in order to post 2 links. Copy & paste the above as is should work.

    BBL. Have a great day!

  46. Smoke— I am so sorry but can you post one at a time- with full link- this just is not working for me TY TY TY

  47. southern justice,

    The problem may be with your server. I just received a server error message. When I posted the info above yesterday someone replied about how happy they were to be able to use in URL without the http….

    No problem, will post individual full links:
    C & G Jailhouse visit w/Casey 7/25/08 Part 2 p.m.
    7:22 mark Description of ZFG, Sister Samantha, etc.

  48. SJ the best thing about that jailhouse recording is it is VERY clear that they know she did something to Caylee.

  49. FLsoccer- when this case is over I will be able to share TY info – yes they all thank US-not just me lol I am but a drop in the ocean lol

  50. Southern, just want to thank you for taking the time to make sure M & M have all their ducks in a row! Have they thanked you for all your hard work?

    If you need help, let me know. Not sure how good I would be but I’d be willing to gove it a try – anything to help nail C & G! 🙂

  51. Smoke I need these true links posted seperate to me here
    C & G Jailhouse visit w/Casey 7/25/08 Part 2 p.m.
    7:22 mark Description of ZFG, Sister Samantha, etc.
    C & G Jailhouse visit w/Casey 7/25/08 Part 2 a.m.
    5:45 mark Description of ZFG car

    As you probably know, I had to remove the http….in order to post 2 links. Copy & paste the above as is should work.

    BBL. Have a great day!

    Smoke & Mirrors

    Wednesday, 20 May 2009 at 09:07

  52. Iknow smoke-but I am not making MYself clear lol I cannot pick up the link- I need it with the http already attached – I need them both posted ONE at a time…I feel THUPID lol

  53. southern, you a far more than a drop in the ocean. . .

    Can’t wait to hear all the juicy tidbits some of you have to keep until the trial is over! 😉

    Are you keeping a diary of it all? Maybe you, too, can write a book when it’s near completion – I would buy it!

  54. I’m back. Didn’t know you wonder sleuths were going to supply lazy me with the links to the right place and date and time on the videos. So, for the past hour, I am been relistening to all that garbage in the visits. Yuk. What garbage they talk about. I would be crying and screaming hysterically if one of my boys had been missing/kidnapped. Once again, thanks Mirrors and southern. Good job. Also, back to Dominick Casey. What is the story with him. Has he disappeared off the face of the earth. I bet Kathie Bellich knows what’s about with him. Why isn’t anyone talking about why he didn’t show for his depo, and what all the private meetings with the judge were all about.

  55. if I have to watch and hear Casey’s sniffly, stuffy, big nose self again….she only cries for her freakin self…sick, sick, sick, and her wording is absolutely, definately and totally SH!TTY

  56. If it would not be against the law to mail dog doo-oo (or No. 2….or Haufen)….I would take a box and mail her a sample…sorry..too funny 😆 😆

  57. After the great day yesterday, I really thought we’d get the docs today and that would keep us busy until court tomorrow. Where are the dammmmmmm docs already? Is Bozo the hold up? He is also too quiet right now. Is something brewing?

  58. Mue, if not for Smoke all would have been lost lol. I have had a rough morning lol

    No Flsoccer, I would never write a book or make a dime off this. I do what i do for the love of another little girl, Hannah Kelly, whose life was taken by her step-father 15 years ago. She was not my child, but the daughter of my office manager. My life has never been the same.

  59. I am actually beginning to hate Cindy more than casey. Cindy is why casey turned out this way.

    Thousands of couples would have adopted Caylee and loved her and given her a good home. There was no reason whatsoever that this had to happen. It was just a power game between Cindy and Casey.

    Cindy also needs to spend time in prison. She destroyed evidence, intentionally, and is moving quickly toward perjury and obstruction of justice.

  60. It would be too cool if someone had a webcam on the ants house. I would love to see what they do every day!

  61. Jack- Casey is a murderer-but Cindy KNEW she was socipathic and did nothing. The only thing that matters to Cindy is image. If only she would look in the mirror……

  62. Look George, we got a present in the mail…it’s even got a red ribbon on it…let’s see what it is, okay?….ewwwwwwwwwwwwww

  63. Cindy and George are 100% liars and both destoyed evidence..The whole of point of this story is that, George and Cindy and Lee Anthony thought that they could lie and destory evidence and try to fool people and also make money off their poor dead little grandaughter…Also, they never went after Zanny the Nanny who actually kidnapped Caylee from the beginning..That was such a

  64. southern, you could donate the proceeds to your causes 😉

    bbl. . have to get on the carline at school.

  65. That is what is so strange about them. They are of “average” intelligence at best, of “average” education level at best, and yet they think they can fool the world. I use the word “childish” because that is what I think this illness is at its core. At 18, you think you know everything, at 50, as we mature, we realize how little we know. It is like the whole family never matured to see themselves as they are.

    Even when caught in a lie, they continue to bamboozle. That is very strange too.

    I think it is because Cindy has a lot of “brass” and most people just avoid her rather than fight with her. So she thinks she “won” because she was not confronted. She is “stronger” than them because they did not want confrontation. This went on and on for years. Now, a line has been crossed and the state is going to confront her. It’s gonna be a “really big show, a really big show”

  66. “look, George, free stuff….we deserve free stuff…oh…it’s dog doo…oh can we use it to our advantage?”

  67. i raed old stuff,on the 15th JUNE 2008,geo was working till 11 in the night,cindy fight with cma and teh neighbour was hearing the fight!!!

  68. Jack, I would love to know what Cindy was like in HS. It speaks volumes, that no one from that era has come forward for their 15 min of fame lol They probably are still intiminated lol

    I would also like to know about Georges first marriage. Oh well someday , someone who knows more than we, WILL write a book. lol

  69. I want to hear from more neighbors. I am sure that “Bi### of the Block” title for Cindy wasn’t just one man’s opinion.

  70. by chris colman she say on tv,people standing in front of the courthouse and they are mad,i dont cant wait when cma trial startet!

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